Skills Development

It is every parent’s dream to raise children who are ready for the challenges life will throw at them. Equip your child with the skills they need to succeed in the workplace of the future.

Building resilience to cope

There is a lot going on in grade 8,
but you can learn how to cope with it all!

Exploring your life's purpose

This is a crucial year in high school for
making the right decisions early on.

Dreaming of a fulfilling future

You’re halfway!
Start thinking about what the future holds…

Moving towards the end

Be equipped to make smart decisions.

The end and the beginning

Your guide to becoming an independent adult to make a positive contribution to society.

Find your way

Tap to discover your path and
unlock your BEST self!

Skills Courses Topics

We have covered the critical life skills your child needs through a series of engaging modules. The modules cover these topics:

Combined, the skills modules that we offer result in learning outcomes which are among the Top 10 Future Skills recommended by the World Economic Forum (2020)
Grade 8

Managing Me

Building resilience to cope. There is a lot going on in grade 8, but your child can learn how to cope with it all!


The skills z in EDUvelopment this year, is all about empowering you to manage yourself and discover your own emotional strengths.

Grade 9

Magnificent Me

Exploring your life’s purpose.

This is a crucial year in high school for making the right decisions early on.

The skills you will learn in EDUvelopment this year, allows you to explore your own leadership style, values and thinking patterns. You will also begin to explore the world of business with the view to understanding potential career options.

Grade 10

More of Me

Dreaming of a fulfilling future…

You’re halfway! Start thinking about what the future holds. It is a good time to start dreaming about what you want to do when you leave school.

More of Me focusses on the core skills that are important for creative and logical outputs.

Grade 11

Multifaceted Me

Grade 11 is about exploring areas of life and future skills  you will be required to have, but that may not be taught in school. EDUvelopment explores these skills, giving you a head-start. Be equipped to make smart decisions.

Grade 12

Masterly Me

Your guide to becoming an independent adult to
make a positive contribution to society. 

Course of the month

Find your way

Tap to discover your path and
unlock your BEST self!